Beauty from Ashes.

Time to step into those new shoes

and walk in freedom.

12 week program for Menopause weight loss

Faith based and researched lifestyle solutions to living healthy and have the energy to live your best Life Heal from past Trauma and Pain and walk in your new shoes and a new way of living.

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12 week program

Are you a female experiencing…Belly Fat or in menopause or post menopause and having symptoms and gaining unhealthy weight. holding onto past trauma that’s stuck in your cells. when we have stuck trauma in our bodies we are more susceptible to disease and sickness.

  • Hot Flushes

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Fatigue or Bloating

  • Weight Gain

  • No Energy

  • Joint pain/Inflammation

Biomarkers are changing such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, Heart palpations, low energy, blood sugar dysregulation, depression, lack of motivation.

Menopause is the natural gateway to aging. lets get in our best shape so we can have energy to run our race God has called us to in this wonderful season of life.

At Last, the evidenced lifestyle solution designed to age healthy…. is now at Made By Design with Leanne

Proverbs 31.25 Strength and honor are her clothing: she is confident about the future.

Program Details

Now available!

A powerful online educational 12 week program that gives women’s out of whack hormonal communication system a kickstart by teaching them a simple female specific 7 steps Lifestyle Approach to achieving fat loss and overall good health. WITH evidenced lifestyle solutions and without starvation diets or exhausting workouts. and renew our minds with the truth of Gods’ word of who he says we are, so you can begin to walk in truth and walk in your new shoes and heal from the past lies you have believed.

One module will be sent out weekly, also live weekly coaching on each topic and work with your unique situation and hormonal environment.

Group coaching or 1: 1 personal coaching is a option contact me for further information

Monthly Challenge Lifestyle Mastery CLASS

This powerful online education reinforces the

7-step monthly challenges each month with a different focus helping to reshape women’s old lifestyle habit’s into new one’s, get through plateaus, regain their energy and vitality, maintain a healthy and whole mindset, have freedom so they can enjoy a new level of well being for years to come.

This course will meet virtually once a week and daily tips as a group for continued support. PRICE WILL BE DETERMINED BY CHALLENGE